Prafulla Dhariwal: Sam Altman के OpenAI GPT-4o के पीछे विचार का जीनियस – मनीकंट्रोल Current Affairs in Hindi

आज की वर्तमान मामलों में एक दिलचस्प और अनूठी कथा – आज की मुख्य समाचार हिंदी में

Question 1:

– What is Prafulla Dhariwal known for?
– A. Founding OpenAI
– B. Visionary behind GPT-4o
– C. Leading Google News
– D. Developing a new social media platform

Answer: ‘B. Visionary behind GPT-4o’

Question 2:

– Which company is associated with GPT-4o?
– A. OpenAI
– B. Apple
– C. Amazon
– D. Microsoft

Answer: ‘A. OpenAI’

Question 3:

– What is the latest project of Sam Altman?
– A. GPT-2
– B. GPT-3
– C. GPT-4o
– D. GPT-5

Answer: ‘C. GPT-4o’

Question 4:

– Who is the brain behind the vision of Sam Altman’s OpenAI GPT-4o?
– A. Jeff Bezos
– B. Elon Musk
– C. Prafulla Dhariwal
– D. Sundar Pichai

Answer: ‘C. Prafulla Dhariwal’

What is Prafulla Dhariwal known for?

Prafulla Dhariwal is known for being the mastermind behind the vision of Sam Altman’s OpenAI GPT-4.

What is OpenAI GPT-4 known for?

OpenAI GPT-4 is known for being a highly advanced artificial intelligence model developed by Sam Altman’s OpenAI.

Who is Sam Altman?

Sam Altman is the founder of OpenAI, which is a leading artificial intelligence research lab.

What role did Prafulla Dhariwal play in the development of OpenAI GPT-4?

Prafulla Dhariwal played a crucial role in shaping the vision and development of OpenAI GPT-4.

आज की ताज़ा ख़बर में, Prafulla Dhariwal ने दिखाया है अपना दम। उन्होंने Sam Altman के OpenAI GPT-4o की दृष्टि के पीछे का विचार बनाया। यह एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण उपकरण है जो विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी के क्षेत्र में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देगा। Prafulla Dhariwal को इस महान काम के लिए बधाई और शुभकामनाएं।

[Note: This news is fictional and created for the purpose of this exercise]

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