Today’s current affairs were dominated by the announcement of a major breakthrough in renewable energy technology. Scientists have developed a new solar panel design that is not only more efficient at converting sunlight into electricity, but also significantly cheaper to produce. This innovation has the potential to revolutionize the renewable energy industry and help combat climate change. With the increasing focus on sustainability and reducing carbon emissions, this development comes at a crucial time. Stay tuned for more updates on today’s current affairs.

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Today’s current affairs were dominated by the announcement of a major breakthrough in renewable energy technology. Scientists have developed a new solar panel design that is not only more efficient at converting sunlight into electricity, but also significantly cheaper to produce. This innovation has the potential to revolutionize the renewable energy industry and help combat climate change. With the increasing focus on sustainability and reducing carbon emissions, this development comes at a crucial time. Stay tuned for more updates on today’s current affairs.

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Today’s Current Affairs: BJP has urged the Election Commission to take action against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his comments on the creation of two categories of soldiers by the Modi government. The BJP delegation, led by senior leaders, lodged a formal complaint with the EC, denouncing Gandhi’s remarks as baseless and harmful to the morale of the armed forces. The BJP emphasized the gravity of such accusations against the armed forces, particularly during election periods, stating that they pose a significant threat to the country’s security.

## 1. What did Rahul Gandhi allege about the soldiers created by the Modi government?

– A. They are all from rich families
– B. They come from poor and marginalized backgrounds
– C. They are only from the general category
– D. They are not given any benefits or pensions

Answer: B. They come from poor and marginalized backgrounds

## 2. What did Rahul Gandhi promise to do if the INDIA alliance government comes into power?

– A. Implement a minimum tax
– B. Waive off farmers’ debts
– C. Double the salary of Asha and Anganwadi workers
– D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

## 3. Why did the BJP delegation lodge a formal complaint with the Election Commission against Rahul Gandhi?

– A. For making baseless and harmful comments about the armed forces
– B. For promising benefits to soldiers
– C. For criticizing the Modi government’s schemes
– D. For questioning military actions

Answer: A. For making baseless and harmful comments about the armed forces

## 4. What did S Jaishankar emphasize as the impact of such accusations against the armed forces during election periods?

– A. They pose a threat to national security
– B. They strengthen the morale of the armed forces
– C. They have no impact on the country
– D. They are necessary for political gain

Answer: A. They pose a threat to national security

What did the BJP delegation demand from the Election Commission regarding Rahul Gandhi’s recent statements?

The BJP delegation, led by senior leaders, lodged a formal complaint with the Election Commission and urged them to take decisive action against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his statements alleging the creation of two categories of soldiers by the Modi government.

What were the specific remarks made by Rahul Gandhi that led to the complaint being filed?

Rahul Gandhi criticized the Modi government’s Agnipath recruitment scheme for soldiers, alleging that two types of soldiers were being created – one comprising sons of the poor and marginalized sections, and the other comprising sons of the rich. He also promised to end the Agniveer scheme if his party comes to power.

Why did S Jaishankar denounce Rahul Gandhi’s comments and what action did the BJP delegation urge the EC to take?

S Jaishankar denounced Rahul Gandhi’s comments as baseless and harmful to the morale of the armed forces. The BJP delegation urged the Election Commission to take stern action against Gandhi and demand a retraction of his statements, highlighting the gravity of such accusations against the armed forces, particularly during election periods.

Today's Current Affairs involves the BJP calling on the Election Commission to take action against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his recent statements. The BJP delegation, led by senior leaders, lodged a formal complaint with the Election Commission regarding Gandhi's remarks about the Modi government creating two categories of soldiers. Gandhi had criticized the Agnipath recruitment scheme for soldiers and promised changes to taxes and debt relief for farmers. The BJP denounced these comments as baseless and harmful to the morale of the armed forces, urging the EC to take stern action against Gandhi. The BJP highlighted previous instances where the Congress allegedly denigrated the armed forces for political gain, stating that such attacks are intolerable and pose a threat to national security.

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